/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: marie and other Sharkey contributors * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ /* eslint-disable */ const ChiptuneAudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext; let libopenmpt let libopenmptLoadPromise type ChiptuneJsConfig = { repeatCount: number | null; context: AudioContext | null; }; export function ChiptuneJsConfig (repeatCount?: number, context?: AudioContext) { this.repeatCount = repeatCount; this.context = context; } ChiptuneJsConfig.prototype.constructor = ChiptuneJsConfig; export function ChiptuneJsPlayer (config: ChiptuneJsConfig) { this.config = config; this.audioContext = config.context || new ChiptuneAudioContext(); this.context = this.audioContext.createGain(); this.currentPlayingNode = null; this.handlers = []; this.touchLocked = true; this.volume = 1; } ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.initialize = function() { if (libopenmptLoadPromise) return libopenmptLoadPromise; if (libopenmpt) return Promise.resolve(); libopenmptLoadPromise = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { const { Module } = await import('./libopenmpt/libopenmpt.js'); await new Promise((resolve) => { Module['onRuntimeInitialized'] = resolve; }) libopenmpt = Module; resolve() } catch (e) { reject(e) } finally { libopenmptLoadPromise = undefined; } }) return libopenmptLoadPromise; } ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.constructor = ChiptuneJsPlayer; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.fireEvent = function (eventName: string, response) { const handlers = this.handlers; if (handlers.length > 0) { for(const handler of handlers) { if (handler.eventName === eventName) { handler.handler(response); } } } }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.addHandler = function (eventName: string, handler: Function) { this.handlers.push({ eventName, handler }); }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.onEnded = function (handler: Function) { this.addHandler('onEnded', handler); }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.onError = function (handler: Function) { this.addHandler('onError', handler); }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.duration = function () { return libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_duration_seconds(this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr); }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.position = function () { return libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_position_seconds(this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr); }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.seek = function (position: number) { if (this.currentPlayingNode) { libopenmpt._openmpt_module_set_position_seconds(this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr, position); } }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.metadata = function () { const data = {}; const keys = libopenmpt.UTF8ToString(libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_metadata_keys(this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr)).split(';'); let keyNameBuffer = 0; for (const key of keys) { keyNameBuffer = libopenmpt._malloc(key.length + 1); libopenmpt.writeAsciiToMemory(key, keyNameBuffer); data[key] = libopenmpt.UTF8ToString(libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_metadata(this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr, keyNameBuffer)); libopenmpt._free(keyNameBuffer); } return data; }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.unlock = function () { const context = this.audioContext; const buffer = context.createBuffer(1, 1, 22050); const unlockSource = context.createBufferSource(); unlockSource.buffer = buffer; unlockSource.connect(this.context); this.context.connect(context.destination); unlockSource.start(0); this.touchLocked = false; }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.load = function (input) { return this.initialize().then(() => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if(this.touchLocked) { this.unlock(); } const player = this; if (input instanceof File) { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = () => { resolve(reader.result); }; reader.readAsArrayBuffer(input); } else { window.fetch(input).then((response) => { response.arrayBuffer().then((arrayBuffer) => { resolve(arrayBuffer); }).catch((error) => { reject(error); }); }).catch((error) => { reject(error); }); } })); }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.play = function (buffer: ArrayBuffer) { this.unlock(); this.stop(); const processNode = this.createLibopenmptNode(buffer, this.buffer); if (processNode === null) { return; } libopenmpt._openmpt_module_set_repeat_count(processNode.modulePtr, this.config.repeatCount || 0); this.currentPlayingNode = processNode; processNode.connect(this.context); this.context.connect(this.audioContext.destination); }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.stop = function () { if (this.currentPlayingNode != null) { this.currentPlayingNode.disconnect(); this.currentPlayingNode.cleanup(); this.currentPlayingNode = null; } }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.togglePause = function () { if (this.currentPlayingNode != null) { this.currentPlayingNode.togglePause(); } }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.getPattern = function () { if (this.currentPlayingNode && this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr) { return libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_current_pattern(this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr); } return 0; }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.getRow = function () { if (this.currentPlayingNode && this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr) { return libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_current_row(this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr); } return 0; }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.getNumPatterns = function () { if (this.currentPlayingNode && this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr) { return libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_num_patterns(this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr); } return 0; }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.getCurrentSpeed = function () { if (this.currentPlayingNode && this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr) { return libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_current_speed(this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr); } return 0; }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.getCurrentTempo = function () { if (this.currentPlayingNode && this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr) { return libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_current_tempo(this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr); } return 0; }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.getPatternNumRows = function (pattern: number) { if (this.currentPlayingNode && this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr) { return libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_pattern_num_rows(this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr, pattern); } return 0; }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.getPatternRowChannel = function (pattern: number, row: number, channel: number) { if (this.currentPlayingNode && this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr) { return libopenmpt.UTF8ToString(libopenmpt._openmpt_module_format_pattern_row_channel(this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr, pattern, row, channel, 0, true)); } return ''; }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.getCtls = function () { if (this.currentPlayingNode && this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr) { return libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_ctls(this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr); } return 0; }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.version = function () { if (this.currentPlayingNode && this.currentPlayingNode.modulePtr) { return libopenmpt._openmpt_get_library_version(); } return 0; }; ChiptuneJsPlayer.prototype.createLibopenmptNode = function (buffer, config: object) { const maxFramesPerChunk = 4096; const processNode = this.audioContext.createScriptProcessor(2048, 0, 2); processNode.config = config; processNode.player = this; const byteArray = new Int8Array(buffer); const ptrToFile = libopenmpt._malloc(byteArray.byteLength); libopenmpt.HEAPU8.set(byteArray, ptrToFile); processNode.modulePtr = libopenmpt._openmpt_module_create_from_memory(ptrToFile, byteArray.byteLength, 0, 0, 0); processNode.nbChannels = libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_num_channels(processNode.modulePtr); processNode.patternIndex = -1; processNode.paused = false; processNode.leftBufferPtr = libopenmpt._malloc(4 * maxFramesPerChunk); processNode.rightBufferPtr = libopenmpt._malloc(4 * maxFramesPerChunk); processNode.perf = { 'current': 0, 'max': 0 }; processNode.cleanup = function () { if (this.modulePtr !== 0) { libopenmpt._openmpt_module_destroy(this.modulePtr); this.modulePtr = 0; } if (this.leftBufferPtr !== 0) { libopenmpt._free(this.leftBufferPtr); this.leftBufferPtr = 0; } if (this.rightBufferPtr !== 0) { libopenmpt._free(this.rightBufferPtr); this.rightBufferPtr = 0; } }; processNode.stop = function () { this.disconnect(); this.cleanup(); }; processNode.pause = function () { this.paused = true; }; processNode.unpause = function () { this.paused = false; }; processNode.togglePause = function () { this.paused = !this.paused; }; processNode.getProcessTime = function() { const max = this.perf.max; this.perf.max = 0; return { 'current': this.perf.current, 'max': max }; }; processNode.onaudioprocess = function (e) { let startTimeP1 = performance.now(); const outputL = e.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0); const outputR = e.outputBuffer.getChannelData(1); let framesToRender = outputL.length; if (this.ModulePtr === 0) { for (let i = 0; i < framesToRender; ++i) { outputL[i] = 0; outputR[i] = 0; } this.disconnect(); this.cleanup(); return; } if (this.paused) { for (let i = 0; i < framesToRender; ++i) { outputL[i] = 0; outputR[i] = 0; } return; } let framesRendered = 0; let ended = false; let error = false; const currentPattern = libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_current_pattern(this.modulePtr); const currentRow = libopenmpt._openmpt_module_get_current_row(this.modulePtr); startTimeP1 = startTimeP1 - performance.now(); if (currentPattern !== this.patternIndex) { processNode.player.fireEvent('onPatternChange'); } processNode.player.fireEvent('onRowChange', { index: currentRow }); const startTimeP2 = performance.now(); while (framesToRender > 0) { const framesPerChunk = Math.min(framesToRender, maxFramesPerChunk); const actualFramesPerChunk = libopenmpt._openmpt_module_read_float_stereo(this.modulePtr, this.context.sampleRate, framesPerChunk, this.leftBufferPtr, this.rightBufferPtr); if (actualFramesPerChunk === 0) { ended = true; // modulePtr will be 0 on openmpt: error: openmpt_module_read_float_stereo: ERROR: module * not valid or other openmpt error error = !this.modulePtr; } const rawAudioLeft = libopenmpt.HEAPF32.subarray(this.leftBufferPtr / 4, this.leftBufferPtr / 4 + actualFramesPerChunk); const rawAudioRight = libopenmpt.HEAPF32.subarray(this.rightBufferPtr / 4, this.rightBufferPtr / 4 + actualFramesPerChunk); for (let i = 0; i < actualFramesPerChunk; ++i) { outputL[framesRendered + i] = rawAudioLeft[i]; outputR[framesRendered + i] = rawAudioRight[i]; } for (let i = actualFramesPerChunk; i < framesPerChunk; ++i) { outputL[framesRendered + i] = 0; outputR[framesRendered + i] = 0; } framesToRender -= framesPerChunk; framesRendered += framesPerChunk; } if (ended) { this.disconnect(); this.cleanup(); error ? processNode.player.fireEvent('onError', { type: 'openmpt' }) : processNode.player.fireEvent('onEnded'); } this.perf.current = performance.now() - startTimeP2 + startTimeP1; if (this.perf.current > this.perf.max) this.perf.max = this.perf.current; }; return processNode; };